

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Security in Electronic Voting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Security in Electronic Voting Systems - Essay ExampleThough electronic suffrage systems are luxuriouslyly efficient and accurate, security of the systems is of high concern. Security in electronic voting is karyon in the terms of confidentiality of voter information and prevention of malicious or accidental abuse of electronic voting (Liaw, p 110). Electronic voting systems must be efficiently designed to maintain high confidence levels and integrity in order to eliminate voter manipulation, and the manipulation of the electronic voting at large (Liaw, p 115). The electronic voting system should be capable of separating the data content from its entry form to avoid replication of the web content. This is ensured by the use of modern technologies in the system design, such(prenominal) as the extensive markup language for the web representation of the data content and the extensive language shimmy style sheets for the customization of the data presentation. Electronic Voting Secur ity Requirements Confidentiality The electronic system must be fittingly designed to ensure the confidentiality of voters personal information. ... Authentication The system must ensure that the voter is efficiently identified, as per the registration database, to be entitled to and allowed to vote. Appropriate identification documents may be required for clarification of voter identity (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). The voter must identify him/herself as per the systems voter registry to be able to vote, and hence an elimination of fraudulent voting and manipulation of the electronic voting (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Anonymity On the other hand, the electronic voting system must also ensure that votes are not associated or identifiable with voter identity. The system should also be non-coercible, that is, voters should not be able to prove to others on how they voted. This eliminates vote selling and/or coercion (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Verifiability The electronic voting system should be able to efficiently verify voters for voting, after identification. Additionally, the system should also be able to verify the results to ensure accuracy, including the number of voters who participated and the add up number of votes cast. The system should be reliable and robust to eliminate the loss of votes, despite any technical failures such as loss of network communication (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Cryptographic Chimes of an Electronic Voting System The cryptographical voting protocols ensure and facilitate verifiable voting without fundamentally trusting any software in the voting system. However, cryptographic protocols may cause challenges to the voting system, such as denial of service, compromise on voter confidentiality and creation of subliminal channels in the encrypted ballot. In addition to analyzing the

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